Paperino Surfista

venerdì 19 novembre 2010

Etres singuliers et bizarres doués de talents divers, teca rammemorante - recollection display case


teca rammemorante
recollection display case

 "Venghino signori venghino a veder le creature strane e bizzarre dotate di staordinari talenti fuori dal comune!"

"Come!Ladies and Gentlemen Come! Come and see the strange and byzarre creatures with amazing talents!"

Steve McQueen, Tom Of Finland e Mao

 For the benefit of Mr. Kite there will be a show tonight on trampoline!
( English below)
E' di scena stasera  lo spericolato Steve McQueen che si esibirà sulla sua Porsche 356, il super macho muscoloso di Tom of Finland che si sfiderà a braccio di ferro con Superman, la signora in giallo Jessica Fletcher che risolverà omicid insoluti con  Sir Winston Churchill.
 Ma non finiscono qui le sorprese!
Franz Schubert e Fryderyk Chopin si esibiranno nell'accompagnamento di Totò che reciterà per voi "A livella", a seguire la regina Elisabetta II e il pontefice Bendedetto XVI° balleranno per voi un minuetto ma, attenzione, a solo scopo di beneficienza.
E perchè non si dica che ci manca qualcosa dopo una breve pausa ristoro seguirà un dibattito tra il comandante Ernesto Che Guevara e l'ex premier italiano Silvio Berlusconi sul tema: " ...quale futuro?" Il momento sarà rallegrato da alcune simpatiche comparsate del nostro stimatissimo Mao Zedong!
Per finire in bellezza Eva Kant, Antonella Clerici e Sophia Loren si esibiranno come cavallerizze su musiche di Henry Purcell!
Avanti gente! Sù coraggio venite! Prezzi modici, divertimento garantito e sconti per famiglie! I nonni e i neonati avranno diritto ud una leccornia a scelta nel nostro punto ristoro.

Tonight reckless Steve McQueen will be performing on its Porsche 356, the super Tom Of Finland muscle man will challenge Superman to arm wrestling, the "murder she wrote" JB Fletcher will unfold unresolved homicides with Sir Winston Churchill!
But there's more to show!
Franz Schubert and Fryderyk Chopin will play incidental music for Totò* that will recite "A livella": then Her majesty Queen Elisabeth II and the Pope Benedetto XVI° will dance a minuet but, take care, only for benefit!
And it's not enough! After a refreshment you can follow the "comandante" Ernesto Che Guevara and previous Italian Prime Minister Silvio berlusconi will lead a debate on "Is there any future?" : the discussion will be enriched by carefree extra parts performed by highly regarded Mao Zedong! 
To go out with a bang Eva Kant**, Antonella Clerici*** and Sophia Loren will exhibit as horse rider by Henry Purcell music!
Come on people! Come and see! Low prices,  amusement is guaranteed for all of you, discount ticket for families! And grandparents and newborn will have a free sweet by our refreshment stand!
Obelix e Steve McQueen

Il sottofondo musicale della teca è "Being for the benefit of Mr. Kite", Beatles.
John Lennon scrisse il brano traendo ispirazione da un manifesto del XIX secolo riguardante il circo di un certo Pablo Franque, che acquistò in un negozio di antiquariato il 31 gennaio 1967 durante una pausa nelle riprese del filmato promozionale per la canzone "Strawberry fields" nella regione inglese del Kent. Si suppone che Mr. Kite sia il William Kite, che lavorò per Pablo Fanque dal 1843 al 1845.

The background music of this display case is "Being for the benefit of Mr. Kite", a Beatles song.
John Lennon wrote this song inspired by a XIXth century advertisement for the Pablo Franque Circus. Lennon bought it in an antique store the 31st January 1967, taking advantage of a break while shooting "Strawberry Fields" promo in Kent. It is supposed that Mr. Kite to be Mr. William Kite, who worked for Pablo Franque from 1843 till 1845.

Collezione Privata, Svizzera - Private Collection, Switzerland

Collage e assemblage, miniature in plastica di Superman e Obelix, in cornice Ikea® 16x16x3 cm., 2010
Collage and assemblage, Superman and Obelix plastic miniatures, in Ikea® frame 16x16x3 cm., 2010

*Prince Antonio Focas Flavio Angelo Ducas Comneno De Curtis di Bisanzio Gagliardi, best known by his stage name Totò (15 February 1898–15 April 1967) and nicknamed il principe della risata ("the prince of laughter") was an Italian comedian, film and theatre actor, writer, singer and songwriter. He is widely considered one of the greatest Italian artists of the 20th century. While he first gained his popularity as a comic actor, his dramatic roles, his poetry, and his songs are all deemed to be outstanding; his style and a number of his recurring jokes have become universally known memes in Italy. Writer and philosopher Umberto Eco has  commented on the importance of Totò in Italian culture. 
**Angela and Luciana Giussani will always be remembered for having created Diabolik, the most famous and celebrated Italian comics in 1962. But their second stroke of genius, in some ways even more original and full of potential developments of the first, date in March 1963 and is named Eva Kant. A woman as only two women could invent, different from all the heroines that preceded it and all those who try in vain to imitate the charm. 
 No other character has been so punctually Italians dreams and aspirations of the Italian boy.
 Blonde, beautiful, green eyes, the companion of the King of Terror is the first episode No 3,  "The arrest of Diabolik "; which looks like a fascinating and ambiguous widow of Lord Kant. Shows an immediate coolness and determination equal to that of Diabolik, saved in extremis by the guillotine. In time soften its image with a refined and mysterious sensuality, antithetical to all vulgarity, building a solid and couple relationship based on sharing the same lifestyle. A strong and independent woman, even then, but agrees to remain in the shadows of the King of Crime. But only the beginning, mind you, because, in register and register every year, readers can follow his path emancipation, outside and inside. best: retreat. 
***  Antonella Clerici, the hostess of one of Italy's most beloved cooking shows. 

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